Costing Book Activities

1 min read | Written by Jeanette Tan


I made updates to the costing course, and you will be able to try several activities!


I updated the Costing Course (How to Calculate the True Cost of Your Wine) and I added several activities so you can practice some of the techniques I discuss.

I updated the Costing Course (How to Calculate the True Cost of Your Wine) and I added several activities so you can practice some of the techniques I discuss.

I also added a new module with a 4th costing book example. This module explains the different choices you can make when laying out the costing book. Depending on your winemaking processes and your business needs, you may choose to have a few or a lot of bulk lots. If you have just a few bulk lots in your costing book, it will be easier to maintain the costing book.

Module 7 - Steffie Farm and Vineyard

Activity - Chart of Accounts

Activity - Allocation Math

Activity - Costing Book

Activity - Bulk Lots

Have fun!

Joel Blair

Joel Blair is a creator and producer living in Montreal and Mexico City. He is the founder and creative director at Detraform.


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